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:: A. braschnikowii A Comparison of the morphological characteristics of Alosa braschnikowii )Borodin, 1904) in the southern Caspian Sea basin [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: A. eichwaldii Evalution of habitat suitability index of Alburnoides eichwaldii in Lavij River, Nour, Mazandaran province, Iran. [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: A. hydrophila Evaluation of hematology parameters on Sander luciperca Linnaeus, 1758 at the time of feeding with probiotics (Lactobacillus brevis MF01) and exposure to the Aeromonas hydrophila [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Acipenser persicus Transcription survey of hypoxia inducible factors (hif-1α, hif-2α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) in response to cadmium chloride in Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Agricultural Pesticides. Effects of Chlorpyrifos organophosphate pesticide on haematological indices of Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844) [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Ala-gol wetland Study of some biological characteristics Hemiculter leucisculus (Basilewsky, 1855) in Ala-gol wetland of Golestan province [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Alburnus chalcoides Population diversity and sexual dimorphism of Alburnus chalcoides Gueldenstaedt, 1772 in southern coast of the Caspian Sea [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Alburnus doriae Comparing efficiency of traditional and geometric morphometics in distinguishing populations of Alburnus doriae in the central and western basins of Iran [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Amirkelayeh wetland The comparison some of growth characteristic in pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758) from Anzali and Amirkelayeh wetlands [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Anzali Lagoon The study of morphometric and meriestic features of Tench (Tinca tinca) In Anzali lagoon [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Anzali Lagoon Comparative investigation of some growth characteristics of the bitterling (Rhodeus amarus Bloch, 1782) in aquatic ecosystems of Anzali lagoon and Siyahrood River [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Aphanius dispar Histopathological changes in the liver of killifish Aphanius dispar after short and long term exposure to colloidal silver nanoparticles [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Aquatic organisms Antimicrobial effects of Alcoholic extract of Zingiber officinale on some pathogen bacteria of aquatic organisms [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Artificial reproduction Effect of Ovaprim, Ovafact hormones and pituitary extract on artificial reproduction of white fish Rutilus kutum (Kamensky, 1901) [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Atomic absorption spectrometry and Hormozgan province. Potential health risk assessment of some heavy metals (lead ,Nickel, Zink, Copper and Iron) in muscle of Silago Sihama in Qeshm, Khamir Port and Pol Port, Hormozgan [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: B. xanthopterus Studies of Sperm Morphological and some Chemical Variables of Gattan Barbus xanthopterus Heckel, 1843 milt [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Bandar Abbas ical Characteristics of Upeneus doriae (Günther,1869) in the coast of Bandar Abbas [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Bandar Anzali Coast Investigating Morphometric and Meristic of Leaping Mullet (Liza saliens Risso, 1810) in the coast of Bandar Anzali [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Behavioural indices. The importance of sound effect assessment in the Iranian freshwater endemic fishes [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Beluga Effect of diets with different levels of soybean meal and Kemin multi-enzyme on growth performance, body composition, and gut lactic acid bacteria of juvenile Beluga (Huso huso) [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Beluga (Huso huso) Investigating the effects of Echinacea and Garlic powder on some growth performance in beluga (Huso huso Linneaus, 1758) [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Benthic fishes Fitting of two benthic fishes abundance Paracobitis hircanica and Neogobius fluviatilis Using Fuzzy Regression [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Biochemical Parameters. Effect of Different Photoperiod and Compensatory Growth on Growth, Immunology and Hematology in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Biochemical parameters. The effect of different levels of synthetic and algal astaxanthin (Heamatococcus pluvialis) on some biochemical parameters of blood serum in Rainbow trout broodstock Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Blood Comparison of hematological and biochemical parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed separate and combined levels of commercial multi-enzymes [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Blood biochemistry Fat requirement of hybrid Asp (Leuciscus aspius ♀) × Caspian Kutum (Rutilus frisii ♂); effect on growth and biochemical indices [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Blood factors Effect of different levels of dietary magnesium nanoparticles on growth, digestive enzymes activity and immune factors of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) under glyphosate exposure [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Blood factors Comparison of growth and hematological parameters in juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) and its hybrid (Acipenser ruthenus ♀ × Acipenser baerii ♂) [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Blood parameters Determining the appropriate level of protein in diet of Cyprinus carpio fry based on some parameters of growth, blood and serum biochemistry in biofloc system [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Blood serum biochemical parameters Effect of different levels of tomato waste powder on blood serum biochemical parameters and growth indices of Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Bluga (Huso huso) Effect of stocking density and feeding rate on growth, hematological parameters and water quality in rearing of juvenile Bluga (Huso huso) [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Body shape characteristics. Morphological variations of Oxynemacheilus bergianus (Derzhavin, 1934) in two inland water basins of Iran using geometric morphometric method [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Booshehr Province Investigating some of growth characteristics of Cyprinion macrostomum Heckel, 1843 in Dalki River- Booshehr Province [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Boushehr province Investigating the length-weight relationship and Growth parameters of Stripped Piggy Pomadasys stridens (Forrskål, 1775) in Northern Part of Persian Gulf (Bushehr) [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Bushehr Morphological diversity of Sillaginid larvae (Perciformes: Sillaginidae) based on Geometric Morphomeyrics Analysis in the northern Persian Gulf, Bushehr Province [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Bushehr province Composition of fish larvae in the central creeks of Bushehr province, Persian Gulf in 2013-2014 [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Bushehr province. Reproductive Biology of Stripped Piggy (Pomadasys stridens Forsskal, 1775) in Northern Part of Persian Gulf (Bushehr) [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Cadmium Chloride Investigating the effect of sub- letal concentration of cadmium On gene expression of cytochrome P450 CYP1A In the liver and gills tissues Cyprinus carpio [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Capoeta capoeta Determination of Habitat Suitability Index and the most significant factors on distribution pattern of Capoeta capoeta in Roodbabol River, Mazandaran Province. [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Carasobarbus luteus Survey of some biological characteristics of Golden barb Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel, 1843) in the Shadegan Wetland [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Carbon-13 isotope. Application of Stable Isotopes of carbon (13δC) and nitrogen (15δN) in assessment of Gorgan Bay Fish dynamic in Golestan Province [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Carp Investigation of length-weight relationship of fish caught in recreational fishing in Golestan, Mazandaran and Guilan province [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Caspian Sea The Effect of Different Salinities on Some Growth Factors, Survival and Intestinal Tissue of Starry Sturgeon Juvenile (Acipenser stellatus) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Caspian Sea Stuyd of the osmotic regulation and some ionic indicators on the survival stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) during the acclimatization period in Caspian Sea water [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Caspian Sea Investigation of growth parameters, mortality and sex ratio of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771) from the southern of Caspian Sea [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Caspian Sea Survey on helminthic parasites of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the southeastern part of the Caspian sea [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Caspian Sea The study of Caspian trout Growth Salmo caspius Kessler, 1877 using back-calculated fish lengths method [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Caspian Sea Age structure, growth and mortality index of golden grey mullet liza aurata (Rissa,1810) in the Southwestern of the Caspian Sea (Guilan province) [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Caspian Sea Patterns of allelic variation of polysomic SSR markers in population genetic assessment of Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897) in Caspian Sea [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Caspian Sea Studying diet of Iranian goby (Ponticola iranicus) in the rivers of Anzali Wetland basin [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Caspian Sea Abundance of native fish in Anzali Wetland and their conservation necessary [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Caspian Sea The Biology reproduction of Rocha (Rutilus rutilus caspicus ) in the waters of Gomishan and Assurade Islands (South east of the Caspian Sea) [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Caspian Sea An investigation of worm parasites of digestive tract of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897) brood stocks in the southeast of the Caspian Sea [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Caspian Sea Study of some biological aspects of released fingerlings of kutum fish (Rutilus frisii (Nordmann, 1840)) in Khoshk-Rud River (Guilan Province) [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Caspian Sea Abundance of fishes caught by beach seine 6 mm in the Coasts of Talesh, Anzali, Kiashahr and Chaboksar (Guilan Province) [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Caspian Sea Nutritional behavior of Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 in Iranian waters of Caspian Sea [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Caspian Sea Study on length frequency and catch per unit effort of sturgeon spawners in the fishing grounds of Mazandaran province [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Caspian Sea The application of the surplus production model (SPM) for estimating maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for Cyprinus carpio in the southeastern Caspian Sea for Cyprinus carpio in the southeastern Caspian Sea [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Caspian Sea The Study of Stocking Density Effect on Growth and Survival of Fingerlings Kutum, Rutilus kutum, with Caspian Sea Water [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Caspian Sea Bony Fish Investigation of Factors Effective in Illegal Fishing, the South Eastern Part of the Caspian Sea, Golestan Province [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Caspian Sea. The effect of some environmental parameters on recruitment of golden grey mullet in the Caspian Sea during 1991-2018 [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Caspian Sea. Importance of protecting the natural reproduction of kutum (Rutilus kutum Kamenskii, 1901) in exploiting the ecological carring capacity of the ecosystem [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Caspian roach Assessment of oxidative stress biomarkers in Caspian roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus) exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of diazinon [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Caspian sea. The study of some biological characteristics of Pipe fish Syngnathus caspius Eichwald, 1831 in the Caspian Sea (Gorgan Bay) [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Cell layer. Comparative Retina Stratification in Embryos, Larvae and Adults of Alburnus chalcoides [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Chabahar waters Composition and diversity of fish species caught using trawler in Chabahar waters [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Chah nimeh of Sistan Study on biological characteristics of Snow trout Schizothorax zarudnyi (Nikol'skii, 1897) in Chah nimeh reservoirs, Sistan and Baluchestan Province [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Chaharmahal-o-Bakhtiary province Reproductive behaviors and biological characteristics of the broods and larvae of the endemic fish Aphanius vladykovi Coad, 1988 (Cyprinodontidae) in Choghakhor lagoon of Chaharmahal-o-Bakhtiary, Iran [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Challenge. Effect of commercial prebiotic and probiotic of Behsam and Behsil on growth and immunity parameters in body extract of grass carp (Ctenophryngodon idella) fry and challenge test with stress [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Cluster analysis Morphological variations of Patimar gobi, Ponticola patimari in the middle part of the southern Caspian Sea basin [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Combined effect Investigating the effect of prebiotic alphamune and probiotic protexin in separation and/or in combinationon growth performance of juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Common carp The impact of different levels of vitamins C and E on growth and survival of carp (Cyprinus carpio) [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Common carp The effect of different levels of dietary nucleotides on growth and carcass composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linneaus, 1758) [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Effects of dietary Allium cepa on growth, corpse composition and hematological parameters of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linneaus, 1758) [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Condition Study on population condition, gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices in three species of Alosa in the Southwestern coast of the Caspian Sea (Gilan provice) [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Condition factor Morphometric and meristic characters and biological parameters comparison of Urmia bleak Alburnus atropatenae (Berg, 1925) from rivers of Lake Urmia basin. [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Conservation The effects of climate change on the distribution of an invasive fish in Iran: Gambusia holbrooki (Girard, 1859) [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Cortisol Effects of salinity on mortality, growth performance, blood traits and gill histopathology of snowtrout, Schizothorax zarudnyi [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Covariation Method Simulation of growth performance Alburnoides eichwaldii (De Filippi, 1863) using DEB standard model in Zarrin-Gol and Kaboudwal Rivers (Golestan Province) [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Cyprinidae Biometry of Barilius mesopotamicus populations in Iran [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Cyprinidae Study of osteological characteristics of Tuini fish (Capoeta damascinav alenciennes,1842) from Tigris basin [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Cyprinidae Geometric morphometric comparison of trout barb (Capoeta trutta) in Bushehr basin [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Cyprinus carpio. An investigation of some biological features of Cyprinus carpio (Linneaus, 1758) in Gorgan Rud estuary [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Cytochrome Oxidase I gene (COI) Molecular investigation and DNA Barcoding of Platycephalus indicus from the Persian Gulf [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Daily Growth Biological response of common carp fingerling (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) to complete feeding following short starvation and re-feeding: Daily growth changes, hyperphagia and the body indices [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Daphnia The comparative investigation of growth performances and survival in Persian sturgeon Acipenser percicus Borodin, 1897 larvae fed with three treatments containing Acartia, Artemia and Daphnia [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Diet Investigating the effect of adding vitamin E,Selenium and C to the diet on the index parameters on the antioxidant defense system in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum,1792 ) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Dietary lipid Effects of different dietary protein and lipid levels on some digestive enzymes activity in juvenile Sobaity Seabream Sparidentex hasta (Valenciennes, 1830) [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Digestive enzymes and Blood biochemical parameters Study on the activity of some digestive enzymes and biochemical parameters of blood effected by applying Nacl in the diet of farmed Beluga (Huso huso) juveniles [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Dominant Species Five decades of decline in sharks of Iran [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Efficiency The effect of different levels of Bacillus probiotic extracellular enzymes on growth, nutrition and survival parameters of Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) larvae [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Environmental criteria Study on feasibility of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niluticus) in Markazi province; Environmental capability and criteria [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Environmental stress3 Effect of dietary L- carnitine and betaine combination on growth performance, digestive enzyme activities and stress resistance in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss [Walbaum, 1792] fed with different oil sources [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Esox lucius. Morphometric and Meristic Comparison of Esox lucius (Linnaeus, 1785) in Anzali and Amirkelayeh wetlands in Southern Caspian Sea basin [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Eugenol The effect of different doses of eugenol and induction time on the blood cortisol and glucose level in goldfish (Carassius auratus) [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Evaluation of feeding indices of Alepes djedaba in Makkoran coastal waters Investigating and determining the feeding indices of Alepes djedaba (Fabricius, 1775) in Makkoran coastal waters [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Fars Province Comparison of morphometric and meristic characteristics of Garra rufa (Heckel, 1843) in spring and autumn in the Shapour River, Fars, Iran [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Fatty acid profile A comparison of the chemical composition and fatty acids profile of muscle in cultivated cyprinids [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Fish culture Bioremediation of the effluent of cultivation pond of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) using probiotic bacillus for reuse rearing system [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Fish habitat Application of functions Fuzzy Logic and Geographic Information System (GIS) to Determination Potential Areas of Fish of Choghakhor International Wetland [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Fish oil Effect of fish oil replacement with dietary soybean lecithin on Growth performance and digestive enzymes activity of juvenile Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Free radical Studying the effect of vitamin E selenium and C supplement on antioxidant defense activity and lipid peroxidation index of rainbow trout (Oncorohynchus mykiss) in exposure to subacute Diazinon [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Gamasiab River Genetic Comparison of Oxynoemacheilus argyrogramma (Heckel, 1847) in Sepidbarg and Gamasiab rivers using Microsatellite Markers [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Garra rufa. Study of diversity and morphometric differentiation of of Garra rufa (Heckel, 1843) populations in Fars province [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Gene expression Investigating P450 gene expression in liver and gill of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897)in exposure to CdCl2 bstract [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Gene expression Effect of Achillea millefolium on mucosal immune response and immune related (TNF-alfa) gene expression in Goldfish Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Generalized Additive Models (GAM) Investigating habitat suitability of Keyvan spined loach, Cobitis keyvani Mousavi-Sabet et al., 2012 in Totkabon River (Sefidroud river basin) using generalized additive models (GAM) [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Genetic. Survey of spatial-temporal distribution pattern and genetic structure of Amblygaster sirm (Walbaum, 1792) in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea (Coast of the Hormozgan and Busher Provinces) [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Geometric Morphometrics. Interspecies morphological variation of Cyprinion watsoni (Day, 1872) from southern and southeastern inland water basins of Iran based on Geometric morphometrics method [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Gillnet Investigation catch composition and length frequency of s. putnamae caught by surface gillnet in the chabahar port waters(oman sea) [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: Glyptothorax Morphological variation of Catfish Glyptothorax galaxias populations in the headwaters of the Karun drainage basin watershed using traditional and geometric morphometric methods [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Goharbaran. The role of the Macrobenthic invertebrates in feeding some bony fishes - the economic in the southeast coast of the Caspian Sea [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Golestan -Physicochemical properties-Dom Golestan-wqi-Aquaculture Investigating the quality of water behind the Golestan dam for aquaculture activities using the CCMEWQI index [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Golestan Province Feeding habits of sand goby Neogobius pallasi (Berg, 1916) in The Kaboodval, Zaringol and Shirabad Streams- Golestan Province [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Golestan and Voshmgir Dam lakes. Study on growth properties of Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in Golestan and Voshmgir dam lake of Golestan Province- Northern Iran [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Golestan dam and Voshmgir dam Comparative study on Reproductive characteristics of Carassius gibelio (Bloch, 1782) in Golestan and Voshmgir dam lake [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Gomishan wetland Investigating the growth patterns of Knipowitschia caucasica (Berg, 1916) in Gomishan wetlands- South East Caspian Sea [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Gomishan. Genetic diversity of Golden Mullet Liza aurata (Risso, 1810) in Gharesou and Gomishan regions and its comparison with dead samples using microsatellite markers [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Gompertz model Growth modelling of milk shark, Rhizoprionondon acutus (Ruppel, 1837) from waters of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea (Hormozgan province) [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Gonadal development Impact of different levels of organic selenium diet in quality indices gonads, reproductive and antioxidant indices of goldfish ( [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Gonado Somathic Index (GSI) The effect of temperature on reproductive indicator of female Rosy Barb (Puntius conchonius Hamilton, 1822) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Gorganroud. Intrabasin variation in growth models Capoeta capoeta (Guldenstaedt, 1773) in 5 streams of Gorganroud River basin [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Gorganrud. Fish biodiversity in Shirabad stream (Gorganrood basin, Golestan province) [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Growth coefficient. The exploitation status of Talang queenfish )Scomberoides commersonnianus Lacepède, 1801) in the northern waters of the Oman Sea (Sistan and Baluchestan province) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Growth factor Effect of adding Lactobacillus rhamnosus to the water on egg hatching, yolk sac absorption and some growth factors of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) up to fingerling stage [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: Growth indices The effect of different iron levels on some of growth indices and carcass composition in Ship Sturgeon Acipenser nudiventris Lovetsky, 1828 juveniles [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Growth indices. Study on the effects of sorting in some growth indices of fry (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Growth pattern Growth parameters and phenotypic variation of Kawakawa Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) in the Persian Gulf (Hormozgan waters) [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Growth. Effects of different levels of lipid on growth and body composition of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser Bearii Brandt, 1869 [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Guilan province Protecting the habitats of native fish in Guilan province in the light of the strategies of the Iranian criminal justice system [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Gulf of Oman Biomass variation of Batoidfishes in the Gulf of Oman and implications for management [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Gynogenesi The effect of gynogenesis by use of gamma radiation on hematology and immunology indices in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: HSI. Study of Habitat suitability index of Kura Barbel (Barbus Cyri Filippi, 1865) in Taleghan River (Sefidrud River basin: Alborz Province) [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Haematological parameters The effects of ginger powder (Zingiber officinale) on the growth, some of mucous immune ameters and hematological parameters in Caspian kutum Rutilus kutum (Kamensky, 1901) fingerlings [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Haplotype Investigating genetic diversity of Rutilus kutum (Kamenskii, 1901) in some rivers in southern of the Caspian Sea using Cytochrome b gene (mtDNA-Cytb) sequences [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Haplotype Genetic barcoding of Chondrostoma regium (Hechel, 1843) in Karun and Sirvan Rivers [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium Genetic structure of Alburnoides eichwladi (De Filippi, 1863) in Gilan (Roodsar Paulrood River) using microsatellite markers [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic diversity of Barbus grypus (Heckel, 1843) in Karoun and Dez rivers in Khuzestan province by using microsatellite marker [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Hatchery population. Investigating the genetic structure of wild and hatchery populations of Kutum Rutilus kutum Kamensky, 1901 using ten microsatellite markers [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Heamotological and biochemical Parameters Effects of different dietary betaine supplementation levels on the growth, carcass compositions and some haematological- biochemical parameters of the blood serum in juvenile beluga, Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758) [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Heavy metals Effects of sub lethal concentrations of nickel and copper on histopathological lesions of gill tissue in Kutum fry Rutilus kutum (Kamensky, 1901) [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Heavy metals Investigating histopathological lesions of gill tissue in Goldfish (Carassius auratus Linnaeus, 1758) during sub-lethal exposure to cadmium chloride [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Hematological and Biochemical indices Comparison on natural range of some hematological and biochemical indices of cultured Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758) and Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897 at different ages [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Hematological and serum parameters Effects of dietary Supplemental thyme essence (Thymus vulgaris L.) on growth, hematological and serum biochemical parameters of Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Hematological parameters The effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus on growth, feed efficiency, gastrointestinal enzymes and hematological parameters of Golden Severum Heros severus Heckel, 1840 [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Hematology Investigating toxicity effect of silver nano particles (NanoKa) on some hematological indices of Goldfish Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Heritability and Correlation A factorial experiment for heritability estimation of the reproductive traits in Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Hilsenhoff. The use of Saprobi and Hilsenhof indicators in assessment the water quality downstream of Tajan River in order to release fish fry [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Histology Histopatological lesions in gill and liver tissues of Zayandehrud Chub Petroleuciscus esfahani Coad & Bogutskaya, 2010 after exposure to water-borne silver nanoparticles or silver nitrate [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Histomorphology Study of synergistic Effects of potassium- sorbate and Lactobacillus casei on The activity of digestive enzymes, intestinal Histomorphology and resistance against pathogenic bacteria (Yersinia ruckeri) in rainbow trout fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Histopathology Clove oil anesthetic effects on Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897: Clinical and histological findings [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Hormozgan Feeding habits of bamboo shark Chiloscyllium arabicum Gubanov, 1980 in the coastal waters of Bandar Abbas (Hormozgan province-Persian Gulf) [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Hormozgan Survey on monthly variations catch per unit effort (CPUE) of Benthosema pterotum (Alcock, 1890) (Myctophidea) in Iranian waters of the Oman sea [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Hormozgan Province Study of genetic diversity of Dussumieria acuta (Valenciennes, 1847) in Persian Gulf and Oman sea (Coast of the Hormozgan Province) using Cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI) [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Hormozgan province Feeding habits of Grey sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon oligolinx Springer, 1964 in marine waters of eastern Hormozgan province [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Hormozgan province. Population dynamic of Mudskipper Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941 in mongrove forests Khamir port in Hormozgan province [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Hormozgan province. Invesrigating growth and mortality parameters of Mudskipper Boleophthalmus dussumieri Valenciennes, 1837 in mongrove forests in Khamir port in Hormozgan province [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Huso huso. Effect of garlic powder on hematological parameters and growth performance of Huso huso [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Identification A Study of the fish fauna in Hoor-Al azim Wetland [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Ilam province Investigating the diet of Mossul bleak Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) in the Abgarmeh River, Saleh Abad, Ilam Province [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Immune Effect of garlic peel on growth and non-specific immune response of juvenile Great Sturgeon Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1754) [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Immunity Effects of replacing fishmeal with hydrolyzed protein on blood serum biochemical parameters and immune system of cultured beluga (Huso huso) fry [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Immunity Effects of Stocking Density on growth parameters and some biochemical factors of blood serum in rainbow trout larvae (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Immunological indices The impact of diet containing canthaxanthin extracted from Dietzia natronolimnaea -HS1 bacteria on growth and non-specific immune responses improvement of Green Terror, Aequidens rivulatus (Günther, 1860) [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Incubation period Effect of the Garlic extract (Allium sativum), on Saprolegnia isolated from Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) eggs compared with Malachite green and Bronopol [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Intra-specific variations High molecular and morphological changes in Alburnus mossulensis Heckel 1843 populations in Iran (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Invasive species The first record of Northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus) in the Zrebar Lake of Marivan, Kurdistan, Iran: A preliminary observation and assessment of morphology, diet, reproduction and invasive threat [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Ions Influence of short-term exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of Diazinon on energetic and osmotic parameters of the Persian sturgeon juveniles, Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897 during osmotic adaptation to seawater [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Iran Identifying and taxonomic comparing of Barbus miliaris Fliippi 1862, A valid species of Cyprinid fish in Iran [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Iran Study of habitat preference of Kura fish (Barbus lacerta; Heckel, 1843) in Zarmood River (from Tajan River branches) Mazandaran Province, Iran [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Iran Fishes of the Cheshmeh Gomban wetlands (Kor River Basin), Fars Province: Biodiversity and their conservation threats [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Iran Modelling the effects of climate change on the distribution of Kura bleak (Alburnus filippii Kessler, 1877) on the Iranian scale [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Iran A study on abundance and biodiversity of fishes in Sirvan River in Kurdistan [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Iran Osteologyical Study of Paraschistura delvarii (Nemacheilidae) from Gulf Basin, Southwest of Iran [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Iran Species diversity of fish in the Sanandaj Azad Dam ecosystem [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Iran. Investigation on some growth characteristics of Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki (Girard, 1859) in some aquatic ecosystems of Golestan Province, Northern Iran [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Iran. Study of relationship between weight, length and age and fecundity in Capoeta sevangi (De Filippi, 1865) from Arass River basin (West Azarbaijan) [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Iran. Study of longline’s catch composition in north-west of Persian Gulf [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Kelarud River Study on fonestic of fish fauna in Kelarud River (Babol), (Mazandaran province) [Volume 2, Number 1]
:: Kermanshah Comparison of length- weight relationship of Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) in Alvand and Gamasiab Rivers in Kermanshah province [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Kermanshah Length- weight relationship and condition factor of Squalis cephalus (L., 1758) in Shohadaye Songhor Dam reservoir in Kermanshah province [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Ketoconazole. Evaluation of antifungal activity of essential oils of Eryngium campestre, Cuminum cyminum, Pimpinella affinis and Allium sativum on Fusarium solani isolated from ornamental aquarium fish [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Khozestan Province Evaluation the Frequency and Diversity of Fish Species in Shour River, Khozestan province [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Khuzestan Province coasts Diets of Tigertooth croaker Otolithes ruber (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in commercial size in Khuzestan Province coasts O. ruber, Food indices, Khuzestan Province coasts [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Kurdistan Qualitative assessment of Gheshlagh and Gavehrud tributaries in the Javah dam ecosystem based on biological indicators with an emphasis on fish fauna [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Kurdistan Province Diet and feeding indices of Garra rufa Heckel, 1843 in Gheshlagh River, Kurdistan Province [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Kurdistan Province Study of O. kurdistanicus Kamangar, Prokofiev, Ghaderi & Nalbant, 2014 growth pattern in Sirvan River of Kurdistan Province- west Iran [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Kutum Effects of different water alkalinity levels on water properties, growth indices and hematological parameters of the Caspian Kutum fingerlings (Rutilus frisii, Kamensky, 1901) [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: L-15 Effect of culture media, fetal bovine serum (FBS) and temperature on ovarian follicular cell in Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus, 1758 [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: LC50 Survey on susceptibility of common carp, Cyprinus carpio, to exposure with Yersinia ruckeri [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Lactococcus garvieae A comparative study of the in vitro antimicrobial and antifungal effect of Trachyspermumammi ,Lavandulaangustifolia and Eugenia aromatica essence on rainbow trout some patoghen [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Lake Urmia Measuring the biodiversity of fishes in the Urmia Lake basin using fractals [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Laparoscopy A review on usual methods of sturgeon sexing and gonad staging (Acipenseridae): advantages and disadvantages [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Lar National Park Comparison of the effectiveness of different methods to determine food habits of brown trout Salmo trutto Linnaeus, 1758 in Delichay River, Lar National park, Tehran province [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Lar River Investigation on food preference in Salmo trutta fario in Hevigh, Shafarud,Tonekabon and Lar Rivers [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Length frequency Determination of Growth and Mortality parameters for Kawakawa Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) in Hormozgan Province waters [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Lernaea Study of ectoparasite contamination of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) in Aquatic Animal Health Research Center's farm, Faculty of Veterinary, University of Tehran [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Lethal Concentration Determining the lethal concentration LC50 96 h sodium nitrite and its impact on the liver tissue of white fish (Rutilus kutum Kamensky, 1901) [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Lethal concentration Effect of indomethacin on the oxidative stress of Cyprinus carpio using of biomarkers [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Lipase Changes of digestive enzymes activity in Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes, 1844) during ontogeny and larval stages [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Lipase enzyme Investigation of pancreatic digestive enzymes changes from egg to larvae phase of Schizothorax zarudnyi [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Liver enzymes. The effect of dietary Nanoselenium on growth indicators, Immune system and liver Enzymes of juvenile (Acipenser stellatus) [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Liver fuction index enzymes Effect of bioherbal feed supplement (contains Foeniculum vulgare and Zingiber officinale powder) on function of liver and digestive enzymes and chemical parameters in Mugil cephalus [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Lm50 Investigating reproductive cycle of whitecheek shark Carcharhinus dussumieri (Müller and Henle, 1839) in Hormozgan waters, Persian Gulf [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Loach. Evaluation and habitat preference of Oxynoemacheilus zarzianus Freyhof & Geiger, 2017 in the Sirvan River, Persian Gulf basin [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Longline Effect of Surface Temperature, Pressure and Wind Current Speed on Catch Rate of Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton, 1822): A Case study in Khuzestan Shore (Persian Gulf) [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: MHC Comparison of growth parameters, cortisol and muscle gene expression of rainbow trout reared in an open and water reuse system [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Makran Comparative osteological study of Waspi, Cabdio morar (Hamilton, 1822) in Mashkil and Makran basins - southeast of Iran [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Marine fishes Sagittal morphology of Epinephelus Bloch 1793 (Teleostei: Serranidae) in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: Meristic Morphological diversity of Alburnus mossulensis (Heckel, 1843) populations in Karun River basin [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi Digestive enzymes activity, body composition and biochemical blood factor of juvenile binni fish fed soybean meal and baker's yeast [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: Metabolomics Evaluation of gill metabolites of Iranian sturgeon fingerlings Acipenser persicus at different levels of water salinity using HNMR method [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Miankaleh The effect of environmental conditions on catches in CPUE in Beach sine tours in Miankaleh region of Golestan province [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Microsatellite Investigating the population Genetic of Paracobitis hircanica (Mousavi-Sabet et al., 2015) in Golestan Rivers using microsatellite markers [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Migration Tracing immigration of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) using amino acid composition from the [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Mitochondrial gene. Investigation of species diversity of the Minnows (Cypriniformes: Leuciscinae) in the Caspian Sea basin, Iran using molecular approach [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Molasses Protective effect of molasses diet on liver carpin index of Cyprinus carpio in exposure to copper and titanium oxide nanoparticles [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Molasses. The effect of beet molasses pretreatment on liver tissue of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in exposure to nano-iron [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Morphological characteristics Morphological Comparison of two populations of lake goby Rhinogobius similis Gill, 1859 from Hariroud basin [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: Morphological features. Comparison study of morphological variations among populations of Blennies, Omobranchus genus, in the Iranian Coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman using Geometric Morphometrics Method [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Morphological flexibility Studying morphological differences of sagittal otolith using geometric morphometric in two species of gobiidae Bathygobius meggitti (Hora and Mukeriji, 1936) and Istigobius ornatus (Ruppell, 183) in Makran coast, Oman Sea [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Morphology of Fishes Geometric morphometric comparison of neurocranium and its ability to identify various species of Iranian Cyprinion genera [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Morphometrics The study of Allometric growth patterns and morphological development of the Green terror (Aequiden srivulatus: Cichlidae) during early development [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Mucosal immune response Investigating the effects of date palm extract on growth performance and mucus immune parameters in Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 fingerlings [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Muscle Investigating changes in Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 muscle and liver enzymes Fed with iron and zinc oxide nanoparticles [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Nano-zinc oxid The comparison of sub lethal concentration effects of zinc sulfate and zinc nano-oxide on gill histopathological lesions of Capoeta capoeta gracilis (Keyserling, 1861) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Natural pigments Effect of adding extracts of red onionskin, red beetroot and red cabbage to dietary on the skin colouration of the ornamental parrot fish (Amphilophus citrinellus X Paraneetroplus melanurus) [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Non-specific immunity Evaluation of growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, immune and antioxidant parameters of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) juveniles reared in aquaponic system [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Nutrition indices The study of population dynamics of Capoeta damascina (Valenciennes, 1842) in Roudbal River, Fars Province [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Oman Sea Feeding habits of Pickhandle barracuda; Sphyraena jello Cuvier, 1829; in Chabahar coastal waters (Oman Sea) [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Oman Sea Morphometric characteristics of sagitta otolith in Scarus fuscopurpureus (Klunzinger, 1871), Heniochus acuminatus Linnaeus, 1758 and Chaetodon rafflesii Anonymous (Bennet), 1830 of the coral reefs of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea [Volume 3, Number 4]
:: Oman Sea Investigation of biomass and catch per unite area changes of demersal resources based on swept area method in the northern waters of Oman Sea (Sistan and Baluchestan Province) [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Oman Sea Catch composition study of hand and line and the biological characteristics of the Largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758) caught in the Oman Sea [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Oman Sea. Accumulation of trace metals (Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni) in the muscle tissue of Saurida tumbil (Bloch, 1795) and Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch, 1791) from the Oman Sea [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: P450 gene. Investigating the Lethal Effects of Lead Chloride (PbCl2) on Blood Indices, Liver Enzymes and Evaluation on Cytochrome P450 Gene Expression in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: PHABSIM Relationship between Hydromorphological and Ecohydraulic Characteristics Flow Regime to Habitat Suitability Capoeta gracilis (Keyserling, 1861): Understanding Habitat–Population Dynamics Fishes and Ecological Flow Scenarios of Zarrin-Gol River [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Pathology The effect of silymarin supplementation on reducing gill pathological tissue alterations of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) fed with nickel oxide nanoparticles [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Permitted Standard Health assessment of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu) in muscle, gonads and probable digestive parasites of Pike [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Persian Gulf Effect of bait types and shapes on catch composition and diversity of fish pot in Bandar Lengeh waters (Persian Gulf) [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Persian Gulf Comparison of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) in freshwater and seawater: effects on growth and feeding performance and body composition [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Persian Gulf Comparison of length frequrncy, distribution and abundance of cutlassfish (Trichiurus lepturus, Linnaeus 1758) in the habitats of this species in the Persian Gulf [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Persian Gulf Determination of density and distribution of commercial fishes (Argyrops spinifer- Carangoides talamparoides – Saurida tumbil) in Persian Gulf waters (Bushehr Province) [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Persian Gulf Morphometric Variation of large scale tongue sole Cynoglossus arel (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) in the north of Persian Gulf [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Persian Gulf Assessment of fish biodiversity in artificial reefs of the Persian Gulf ( Hormozgan province ,Salakh and Bostaneh ports) [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Persian Gulf Investigation of Stock Status of Hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha Hamilton, 1822) in the Southern Waters of Iran [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: Persian Gulf Bioaccumulation of heavy metals Cu, Zn and Pb in liver and muscles of Yellowfin Seabream (Acanthopagrus latus Houttuyn, 1782) in Deylam coastal waters, northern Persian Gulf [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Persian Gulf Sagitta shape analysis, a tool for possible detection of Grammoplites suppositus (Troschel, 1840) population in Persian Gulf [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Persian Gulf Stock Assessment and Determination of the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) of Engraulidae in Qeshm Island, Persian Gulf [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: Persian Gulf Spawner stock biomass per recruit, spawning potential ratio and biological reference point of the tiger tooth croaker (Otolithes ruber), in the northwestern part of the Persian Gulf [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Persian Gulf Length frequency of three commercially species Pomadasys kaakan (Cuvier, 1830), Otolithes rubber (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) and Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788) trapped by shrimp trawl fishery [Volume 2, Number 2]
:: Persian Gulf A survey on the diet composition of bartail flathead Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the northwestern region of the Persian Gulf (the coast of Khuzestan Province) [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Persian Gulf Estimation of Coral fish Standing Biomass in Hengam Island, The Persian Gulf [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Investigation of Growth parameters, using a multi-model inference (MMI) approach, and mortality of Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788) in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Persian Gulf. Study on gonad histological structure of male Hilsa shad Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton, 1822) during reproductive migration [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Persian sturgeon Histomorphology of lymphatic structure associated in intestine in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in warm and cold seasons [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Persian sturgeon The effect of silver nanoparticles on the taste feeding behavior of Acipenser persicus to some Amino acids [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Phenotype plasticity. Investigation of morphological variation of Oxynoemacheilus elsae from rivers of the Urmia Lake basin using traditional and geometric morphometric methods [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Physiology The efficiency of probiotic Lactobacillus for improving of liver function in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) exposed to sub-lethal levels of nano silver [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Plasma metabolites The effect of starvation on growth performance, blood serum metabolites and insulin of Persian sturgeon juvenile, Acipenser persicus (Borodin, 1897) during compensatory growth [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Ponticola gorlap Comparative Study of morphological characteristics of different populations of big head goby Ponticola gorlap in the Caspian Sea Basin using geometric morphometric and truss network system methods [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Population Genetic Population Genetic Structure of Yellow Seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) in North Costal of Persain Gulf [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Population dinamics Population dynamics of Squalius cephalus in Shahid Rajai Dam in Sari, Mazandaran Province [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Population dynamic Population dynamic of Acipenser persicus by Monte Carlo simulation model and Bootstrap method in the southern Caspian Sea (Case study: Guilan province) [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Population parameters. Growth parameters and mortality rates of Gerres oyena, Forsskål, 1775 (Common silver-biddy) form Hara Biospher Reserve, Iran [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Positive allometric Length-weight, length-length relationships and condition factor of Rutilus kutum (Kamensky, 1901) from different parts of the Caspian Sea basin [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Potassium sorbate Study of synergistic effect of potassium- sorbate and Lactobacillus casei on the growth performance, hematological parameters, body composition and intestinal flora of rainbow trout fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Prebiotic Effects of natural polymer (Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate) and its degrading bacteria on lipid metabolism and digestive tract pH in Siberian Sturgeon Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869 fingerlings [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Prebiotic inulin. Effect of prebiotic Inulin on resistance of intestinal lactobacillus against environmental stresses; temperature, salinity, aerial exposure, pH and density in Zebra fish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Probiotic Use of probiotic bacteria, Bifidobacterium animalis and B. lactis in Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) larvae for growth performance and survival improvement [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Production capacity Production capacity assey of Alagol, Almagol and Adjigol international wetlands, Golestan Province [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Production per biomass Some biological characteristics of Leuciscus vorax (Heckel, 1843) in Shadegan wetland [Volume 4, Number 2]
:: Protein carbonyl groups. Effect of dietary supplementation of Spirulina (Spirulia platensis) on cyanide-induced oxidative damage of Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Purse seine Study of length frequency and some biological parameters of Blacktip Sea Catfish, Plicofollis dussumieri (Valenciennes, 1840) coach in gillnet and purse seine of the Sistan and Baluchistan waters [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Qazvin Investigating the Effect of Water Source on Relative Frequency and Diversity of Cultured Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) Ectoparasites in Qazvin Province [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Qeshm Island Study on biodiversity, catch composition and length frequency distribution around the fish aggregation device in Qeshm Island Persian Gulf [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: RP-HPLC Comparison of profile and antimicrobial activity of fresh water reared giant sturgeon (Huso huso, Linnaeus, 1758) epidermal mucus in different body sizes [Volume 10, Number 1]
:: Rainbow trout Effect of anthocyanin from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) supplemented diets on growth, survival, body composition and hepatic enzymes activity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 9, Number 3]
:: Rainbow trout Effect of dietary sesame oil on growth and carcass composition of rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss) ‎juvenile [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: Rainbow trout Effects of different culture densities on growth performance and stress, immune, and metabolic responses in rainbow trout [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Rainbow trout Growth performance and blood indices of juvenile Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) fed diets containing Sargassum cristaefolium and Gracilaria pygmaea extracts [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: Rainbow trout larvae (Oncorhynchus mykiss) The Effect of prebiotic mannan oligosaccharide on the growth performance, survival and resistance rate of Rainbow trout larvae (Oncorhynchus mykiss Wabaum, 1792) against environmental stress [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Remote Sensing. Estimating the habitat suitability of the genus Alosa in the Caspian Sea using the PATREC method and presence data [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Reservoir. Growth Aspects, CPUE and Stock Size Estimation for Fish Populations of Dorudzan Reservoir, Fars Province, Iran [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Resin Comparison of various methods of Corrosion Cast Study in Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Circulatory System [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: River form Determination of morphological diversity of wetlands and riverine populations of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782) using traditional and geometric methods [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Rutilus frisii kutum Study of growth performance and survival of Kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) fed diets containing different levels of protein and zinc [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Rutilus frisii kutum. The study of acute toxicity of Nickel (NiSO4) and Iron (FeSO4) to Rutilus frisii kutum by Water Static Method [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: SDS-PAGE Seasonal variation in the epidermis structure and protein profile of the skin mucus of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at different stages of farming [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Salinity Effect of Cypermethrin on the gill tissue destruction of Aphanius sophiae (Heckel, 1847) in the different levels of salinity [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Salinity. Assessment of Electrofishing Effects on Gambosia holbrooki Girard, 1859 in a Controlled Environment (Salinity and Temperature) [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Salt Effect of adding salt and Bacillus subtilis to diet on cortisol response and antioxidant indices of wild common carp fry, Cyprinus carpio under salinity stress [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Salt Lake Basin Comparative study of growth patterns Alburnoides namaki Bogutskaya and Coad, 2009 in the Salt Lake Basin [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Sanandaj Effect of urban wastewater on age and growth of Chub Squalius cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Gheshlagh River, Sanandaj [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: Sand extraction. Identifying the factors affecting the reduction of Caspian lamprey population (Caspiomyzon wagneri Kessler, 1870) in Shiroud River: The need to adopt management-protection policies [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Schizothorax zarudnyi. Investigating the effect of copper and lead on sperm motility parameters of Schizothorax zarudnyi [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Sefidroud River Investigation on some biological characteristics of Kura barbel Barbus lacerta Heckel, 1843 in Sefidroud River (Guilan Province) [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Sefidroud river Impacts of Tarik dam (Sefidrud River) on the body shape of Riffle minnows Alburnoides eichwaldi (De Filippi, 1863) using the geometric morphometric method [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Serum parameters The effects of Guava (Psidium guajava) leaves powder on growth performance and some blood serum parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerlings [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Sex Hormones Determining the best dose of Ovulin hormone injection in artificial reproduction of Cyprinus carpio by examining some blood factors and steroid hormones [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Sex ratio Investigating the Grown Pattern of Paracobitis hircanica (Mousavi-Sabet et al., 2015) in Garmabdasht River, Golestan Province [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Sex ratio Age and growth of Caspian sand smelt (Atherina caspiai Eichwald, 1838) on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea (in Sefidrud River Estuary) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Sexual maturation Studying the process of sexual maturation of caspien sea adult male Shemaya Alburnus chalcoides (Güldenstädt, 1772) migratory to Anzali Wetland [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Shad. A comparative study on the morphometric and meristic characteristics study of Alosa caspia (Eichwald, 1838) populations in the southern Caspian Sea the basin [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Shirud River. An Investigation on the age, growth and reproduction of Capoeta capoeta gracilis Keyserling, 1861 in Shirud River, Mazandaran province [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Shour River Application of geometric morphomerics approach in phenotypic plasticity investigations of fishes: A case study of killifish Aphanius sophiae (Heckel, 1847) body shape comparison in Cheshme-Ali (Damghan) and Shour River (Eshtehard) [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Sistan Effect of salinity stress on the growth rate, biochemical parameters and cortisol level of the blood in Sistan’s loach Schizothorax zarudnyi (Nikolskii, 1897) [Volume 4, Number 3]
:: Skin mucus. The effect of different levels of peppermint (Mentha piperita) powder on the growth parameters and some immune parameters of skin mucus in Caspian Roach Rutilus caspicus (Yakovlev, 1870) [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Sobaity Seabream Investigating the potential of protexin probiotic in improving the resistance of Sobaity Seabream Sparidentex hasta to temperature and salinity stresses [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Sociology of consumption Sociology of fish consumption of non-coastal villagers (Case study of Golestan province) [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: Sodium butyrate The effect of diet containing different levels of sodium butyrate on growth indices and blood factors in common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Southeast of Caspian Sea Investigation of fishing changes and growth pattern of Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897 in a ten-year period (2011-2020) in fishing grounds of Golestan province [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: Southeastern of the Caspian Sea Determination of growth parameters, Age structure and sex ratio in Broodstock of Roach Rutilus caspicus (Yakovlev, 1870) in the southeastern coast of the Caspian Sea (Golestan Province) [Volume 4, Number 1]
:: Southern Caspian Basin Identification Caspian salmon Salmo caspius (Kessler, 1877) and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) by extracting DNA from water (eDNA) [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: Southern Caspian Sea Investigating some serum electrolytes parameters and white blood cells in the juvenile stellate sturgeon Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771 caught in southern area of Caspian sea ( Mazandaran province) [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Southern Caspian Sea Intra- and inter- population comparison of morphological characteristics of Caspian vimba Vimba persa (Pallas, 1814) in the Southern Caspian Sea [Volume 5, Number 3]
:: Southern Caspian Sea basin. Study on some morphological parameters and dynamics of sand goby Neogobius pallasi (Berg, 1916) in the Kaboodval, Zaringol and Shirabad Streams- Golestan [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Spatial distribution Modeling the habitat suitability of Botak-e-Fars, Cyprinion tenuiradius Heckel, 1849 and determining the impact of Climate Change on its distribution in Fars province [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Species conservation. The necessity for a national consent on the conservation of sturgeon in the Caspian Sea [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Spermatocrit The effect of pH, calcium and magnesium ions on sperm motility of Brown Trout Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758 [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Stress Comparison of survival rate, growth and response to transport stress in diploid, triploid and tetraploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 5, Number 2]
:: Sub-lethal exposure Long time exposure effects of sub- lethal ::::union::::ized ammonia concentrations on growth and hematologic indices of Caspian roach, Rutilus caspius (Yakovlev, 1870) fingerlings [Volume 3, Number 1]
:: Survival The effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the growth and survival indices of rainbow trout fry stressed by high stocking density [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Survival Effects of photoperiod and light intensity on growth factors and survival rate in Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persius (Borodin, 1897) in larval to fingerling stage [Volume 3, Number 2]
:: Survival Effect of dietary supplementation with L-proline and L-alanine amino acids on immunity, hematological and survival in the face of salinity stress in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Survival Rate Influence of supplementary Natuzyme plus enzyme in the diet on growth performance, body biochemical composition and survival rate of beluga (Huso huso) juveniles [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: Sustainable Aquaculture. Effects of Adding Oral CoQ10 Supplement on Growth & Hematology Indices, Carcass Composition & Resistance to Ammonia Stress in Rainbow Trout Juveniles (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: TDS. Investigating the factors affecting on declining of Luciobarbus capito stocks in the Caspian Sea basin (Case study: Sefidrood River) and proposing solutions for its protection [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Tajan River- P. cyrius- growth- fecundity- Shahid Rajai Dam Effect of Shahid Rajai dam on population dynamics of the Ponticola cyrius in down stream Tajan River [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: Taxonomy Morphometric characteristics of three species of Gobiidae family in Makran coast [Volume 8, Number 3]
:: Taxonomy. Taxonomic status of six populations of the Gobiids (Teleost, Gobiidae) in the southern Caspian Sea basin using COI gene [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: Testicular Tissue Structure Investigating reproductive indicators in age groups of 2 and 3 year olds of male Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) in Gheshlagh River during the breeding season [Volume 4, Number 4]
:: Tonekabon River Age and Growth of Brown Trout (Salmo caspius) in Tonekabon River [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Toxicology Study on bioaccumulation and histopathological effects of microplastic polystyrene on Goldfish (Carassius auratus) [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Traditional Morphometrics Inter and intra-specific morphometric comparison of three species belong to Istiblennius genus (Whitely, 1943) from Makran coastal basin [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: Treatment Investigating the Effects of Probiotic basilus on Energy Utilization Efficiency and Ammonia and Urea Excretion by Rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss Wabaum, 1792) larvae [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Trichlorophon. Study on the mortality effects of an organophosphate poison [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Trophic level Determination of White cheek shark Carcharhinus dussumieri (Müller & Henle, 1839) feeding habitat in Hormozgan waters, Persian Gulf [Volume 3, Number 3]
:: Urmia lake Modeling the effects of climate change on the distribution of Acanthalburnus urmianus (Günther, 1899) in Urmia lake basin rivers [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: Valeriana officinalis The effects of Valeriana officinalis root extract on survival rates and biochemical factors of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss during transportation [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Vegetation cover. Relationships of the host and pathogen: Emphasizing the Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Nordmann, 1832) of fish species in the Zaringol Stream, Golestan Province [Volume 1, Number 4]
:: Vonbertalanffy equation. Changes in demographic parameters based on the length of Black pomfret (Parastromateus niger, Bloch, 1795) during the past decades in the northern waters of the Oman Sea (Sistan and Baluchistan Province) [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Water quality. Study on changes in water quality parameters of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) farm [Volume 5, Number 4]
:: Weighted Usable Area Incorporating Habitat Requirements of the Life Cycle of Salmo trutta into the Estimation of the Ecological Flow Regime of Karaj River [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Wild Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Effect of betaine as a feed Atractant on growth, survival and resistance to heat and salinity stressors on wild Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) juvenile [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: Yersinia bacteria The effect of hot water extraction of seaweed Sargassum angustifoliom on hematological indices and the resistance against the infection with Yersinia bacteria (Yersinia ruckeri) in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 5, Number 1]
:: Zander Principles of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larviculture [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: Zarin Gol River. Investigation of Selected Habitat Range of the Western Crested Loach Paracobitis hircanica (Mousavi-Sabet et al., 2015) in the Zarin-Gol River, Golestan Province [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: Zinc sulphate Caspian beluga The comparison of acute toxicity rate of Zinc and Copper sulfate on Caspian beluga [Volume 10, Number 3]
:: aquaculture Evaluation of the condition and facilities of ornamental fish farms in Iran [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: artificial breeding An overview of the fishes of the Anzali Wetland [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: bio-markers The intensity of electrophoretic bands containing egg non-vitellogenin derived proteins in relationship with embryo-larvae viability in common dentex (Dentex dentex)  a preliminary evaluation [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: biofloc Effects of different levels of Quillaja Saponin supplementation on growth and feed performance, digestive enzymes activity, nonspecific immunity and culture water quality of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Biofloc system [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: biological assessment. Application of pectoral fin spine of starry sturgeon fish as an indicator of the habitat evaluation in the Caspian Sea [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: blood biochemical factors. Short term effects of Iranian crude oil on some blood biochemical factors in Juveniles of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: body biochemical composition. The effect of Earth worm ( Eisenia fetida) difference levels on growth performance and body composition and Nutrition and Digestive Enzymes of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: carcass compositions Effect of commercial phytase (SMIZYME PHYTASE) in diets containing different levels of soybean meal on growth and carcass compositions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: chlorpyrifos. The effect of chlorpyrifos pesticide on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) resistant to mushroom (Pleurotus ostreaus) probiotic [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: common carp Study of histopathological lesions of brain and intestines of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) during exposure to iron and zinc oxide nanoparticles [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: compensatory growth Effects of different periods of starvation and compensatory growth on growth indices and hematological parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: conservation Genetic characterization of great sturgeon brood stocks- recommendations for the conservation management and aquaculture [Volume 9, Number 1]
:: day and night and Persian Gulf Species composition in the Carangidae family during dark and light periods using the bottom trawl survey [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: digestive enzymes. The effect of diet supplemented with organic selenium (Selenomethionine) and synbiotic diproplus (Dipro+) separately and combined on the activity of digestive enzymes, intestinal bacterial flora and intestinal histology in Caspian Sea salmon (Salmo caspius) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: earthern ponds Investigation electivity of live food sturgeon fry of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in earth ponds of Marjani center of Gorgan [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: ecosystem based fisheries management Association between Skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) distribution caught by Iranian purse seiners and environmental variables in the Indian Ocean [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: embryonic development Ontogeny of the eye of Caspian kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) from prehatch to final larval stage [Volume 8, Number 2]
:: environment. Comparison study of morphological variations among populations of Blennies, Omobranchus genus, in the Iranian Coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman using Geometric Morphometrics Method [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: feeding intensity. The feeding strategy of the Caspian Seakutum (Rutilus frisii kutum Kamensky, 1901) [Volume 1, Number 3]
:: fish abundance The impact of environmental parameters on fish biodiversity of Lavij River, Noor, Mazandaran Province [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: fishes Effects of Dimethoate Pesticide and Bacilar Bio-fertilizer on Some Blood Biochemical Parameters of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: fishing stress and transportation Evaluation stress indicators, metabolic and hematology of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerling fed Sanyar prebiotic and resistance to catching and transportation stress in biofloc-based aquaculture system [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: gastrointestinal tract The effect lactic acid supplementation in diet of rainbow trout on growth parameters, activity of digestive enzymes and intestinal bacterial flora [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: genes encoding vitamin k-dependant proteins Evaluation of gene expression pattern of matrix gla protein and Bone gla protein as skeletogenesis markers in Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Bordin, 1897) [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: gillnetting Effects of Rutilus kutum mortality on the Appearance and sensory acceptability by gillnetting [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: gold fish. Effects of lethal and sub lethal concentrations of malation in gold fish (Carassius auratus): haematology, liver histology and liver enzymes [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: goldfish Effects of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) in diet on the growth performance and gene expression of Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and Ghrelin in goldfish (Carassius auratus) [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: growth Effects of using postbiotics in diet on growth parameters and antioxidant defense system in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: growth pattern Study of larval growth dynamics Caspian Roach Rutilus lacustris (Pallas, 1814) in Center for Reconstruction and Conservation of Bone Fishes Genetic Resources- Golestan province [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: hematology. Effect of thermal stress on some hematological parameters of diploid and triploid Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 9, Number 2]
:: intestinal microbiota Effects of different levels of milkweed seed powder (Calotropis procera) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) diet on growth, feed efficiency ratio and intestinal microbiota [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: intestinal morphology. Effect of administration Bacillus probiotic individual or with sodium di-format on intestinal morphology in Salmo trutta caspius [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: invasive species. Genetic comparison of Three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) by using sequencing of Cytochrome Oxidase 1 (COI) gene in the Southern Caspian Sea and the Northern Mediterranean Sea [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: juvenile Huso huso Prediction of nitrogen levels in Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758) culture in Pens located in the south-east of the Caspian Sea using mathematical and dynamic models. [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: kidney The Effect of Sodium Chloride Supplementation in the Diet of Juvenile Wild Common Carp on Survival, Antioxidant and Ionic Characteristics, and Tissue Histology under Sudden Salinity Stress [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: limit consumption Health risk assessment of Aluminum, Vanadium and Tin due to consumption of, and King soldier bream (Argyrops spinifer), Pickhandle Barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and Japanese threadfin bream (Nemipteru japonicus) [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: lipid Effects of different levels of phospholipids on fatty acid composition, body lipid content and lipase activity in stellate fish (Acipenser stellatus) stellatus) [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: liver enzymes Effect of 2-phenoxyethanol on the stress responses, hematological parameters and hepatic enzymes in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: liver enzymes of blood serum Evaluation the effect of nettle (Utrica dioica) dietary powder supplement on growth and survival indicators and the activity of liver enzymes of blood serum in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: lysozyme The effects of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) ethanolic extract on non-specific immune system of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: metabolic parameters. Sexual Maturity Hormones. Vitellogenin The investigation on variation of ionic and hormone indices in wild and wild cultivated carp brood stocks (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus,1758) [Volume 6, Number 3]
:: microsatellite markers. Compare genetic variation for roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus Linnaeus, 1758) resulting from the proliferation of wild broodstock, breeding and hybrid (wild broodstock × fusion) using microsatellite markers [Volume 8, Number 1]
:: morhphometry. A Comparison of the morphological characteristics of Spirlin, (Cyprinidae: Alburnoides echiwaldii) in Karganrud and Chalus Rivers using Truss Network System [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: morphometry Diversity of Morphometric Characteristics of Knipowitschia caucasica (Berg, 1916) in Gomishan Wetland and Gorgan Bay (Southern Basin of the Caspian Sea) [Volume 6, Number 4]
:: mortality Estimating the best growth model of obtuse barracuda (Sphyraena obtusata) in the Persian Gulf waters (Hormozgan Province) [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: mucus Effect of saffron (Crocus Sativus) petal powder on growth performance and some epidermal mucus immune parameters in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 11, Number 2]
:: native fishes Is Capoeta aculeata (Valenciennes, 1844) a proper Biological indicator for water quality assessment in Khorram-Rud River? [Volume 8, Number 5]
:: nickel. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals (lead and nickel) in muscle tissue Luciobarbus capito in Sefidroud river [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: non-electrolyte Evaluation of hematological and biochemical factors of blood serum in beluga (Huso huso) cultured in fresh and brackish water in fall and winter seasons [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: ovarian tissue Changes in the ovaries of zebrafish (Danio rerio) under chronic exposure to different intensities of static electromagnetic waves [Volume 11, Number 1]
:: population dynamic Population dynamic of Gasterosteuse aculateus Linnaeus, 1758 from Sothern Caspian Sea [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: population dynamics Study on the population dynamics parameters of spirlin (Alburnoides eichwaldii) in reservoir of Shahid Rajaii dam, Sari [Volume 10, Number 2]
:: prebiotics Effects of Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and PHB degrading bacteria (Acidovorax sp.) on the growth performance, body composition and bacterial metabolic activity in Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) fingerlings [Volume 7, Number 1]
:: production efficiency Interaction effect of photoperiod and light intensity on the growth performance, immune and survival of Great sturgeon, Huso huso reared in the larval stage (endo genus) [Volume 10, Number 4]
:: protein efficiency ratio The use of Daphnia magna and Artemia nauplii in the early feeding of Acipenser guldenstaedtii Brandt and Ratzeburg, 1833 larvae [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: rainbow trout Effect of dietary prebiotic on growth performance, blood parameters and gene expression of transforming growth factor beta1 in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: rainbow trout The effect of partial replacement of soybean meal with cottonseed meal and addition of organic acids to the diet on growth indicators, phosphorus and nitrogen retention in rainbow trout muscle [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: rainbow trout Assessment of behavioral responses of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to environmental changes (temperature and dissolved ammonia) [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: rainbow trout Effect of dietary supplementation of honey bee (HoneybeeVenom) venom on growth idices of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [Volume 7, Number 2]
:: rainbow trout Effect of bacterial single cell protein in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) diet on body composition and digestive enzymes activity [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: redundancy analysis Influence of Stream channel morphology and in-stream habitats on fish community in Golestan province Streams [Volume 7, Number 3]
:: relative gene expression Effects of Feeding Pure Olive Leaf Polyphenols on Growth Indices, Non-Specific Immunity, Blood Parameters, and Antioxidant Activity in Rainbow Trout Fry [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: release of fish fingerling Spatial and temporal distribution of anadromous fish fingerling, Caspian Kutum, Caspian Vimba and Caspian Shemaya in Sefidroud river [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: salinity stress Evaluation of amino acids and fatty acids profiles of gammaridae extracts and its effects on Feed acceptability, utilization, growth performance and salinity stress resistance in Caspian roach (Rutilus caspicus, Yakovlev, 1870) fingerlings [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: salinity strss Effects of dietary Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) extract on the growth indices and some hematological parameters in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to salinity stress. [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: sodium hypochlorite Comparison effect of sodium hypochlorite and common methods for stickiness elimination of Acipenser stellatus (Pallas, 1771) ثggs [Volume 6, Number 1]
:: southern part of the Caspian Sea Shape Analysis of Sagitta otolith a tool for Probable detection of the Caspian kutum Rutilus kutum Kamenskii, 1901 on the Southern Coast of the Caspian Sea [Volume 7, Number 4]
:: sustainable exploitation and persian Guld and Oman sea Provide precautionary measures for sustainable harvesting of Ribbonfish stocks (Trichiurus leuptrus, Linnaeus, 1758) in the Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman ecosystems. [Volume 8, Number 4]
:: total bacterial flora Study of Exogenous Enzymes Carbohydrase on using Diets with Different Carbohydrate Levels on Intestinal bacterial flora and Growth in Rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) Feedings [Volume 6, Number 2]
:: trawlin Evaluating economic performance of bony fishes companies in Gilan province [Volume 9, Number 4]
:: zinc The Effects of Dietary Amino-acid L-cysteine on Blood Parameters of Grey Mullet (Mugil cephalus L.), Exposed to Heavy Metals Cu and Zn. [Volume 6, Number 1]
نشریه علمی پژوهشی پژوهشهای ماهی شناسی کاربردی Journal of Applied Ichthyological Research
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