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:: Volume 11, Issue 3 (Autumn 2023) ::
JAIR 2023, 11(3): 1-12 Back to browse issues page
Investigation of Growth parameters, using a multi-model inference (MMI) approach, and mortality of Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788) in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea
Ali Nekuru , Ehsan Kamrani , Mohsen Safaei * , Hadi Raeisi , Mohammad Momeni
Abstract:   (848 Views)
Given the importance of Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788), and the overfishing pressure, this study aimed to determine some population parameters of this species (mortality and growth parameter) in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. Sampling was carried out using trawl, gillnet, and Moshta during 12 months from April 2018 until March 2019. In this study, 955 biometric samples were weighed. An information-theoretic, multi-model inference (MMI) approach was taken to analyzing grow and best model was selected using Akaike’s information criteria (AIC). Chen & Watanabe Method was used to estimate the natural mortality. Mean length and weight values (mean ± standard error) for males were 16.68±0.22 cm and 202.71±7.75 gr, respectively and for females were 20.57±0.34 cm and 350.12±15.95 gr, respectively. Results showed that the Gompertz was the best model for male and female. The logistic model can be used to explain growth of males (considering to Akaike difference was less than two). The value of asymptotic length, k and L0 in Gompertz Model were estimated 29.53 cm, 0.527 year-1 and 4.1 cm for males, respectively and 36.2cm, 0.448 year-1 and 4.1 cm for females, respectively. Natural mortality, fishing mortality and total mortality and E was calculated 0.7, 0.81, 1.51 and 0.54, respectively. Results of this study shows that this specie is under overfishing pressure and need to better management policies in this area including time, place and fishing gear limitation for catching. Also overfishing can be reduced with building Marine Protected Area.
Keywords: Growth and Mortality, Exploitation rate, Persian Gulf and Oman Sea.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/12/17 | Accepted: 2023/12/1 | Published: 2023/12/1
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Nekuru A, Kamrani E, Safaei M, Raeisi H, Momeni M. Investigation of Growth parameters, using a multi-model inference (MMI) approach, and mortality of Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788) in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. JAIR 2023; 11 (3) :1-12
URL: http://jair.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-879-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 3 (Autumn 2023) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی پژوهشی پژوهشهای ماهی شناسی کاربردی Journal of Applied Ichthyological Research
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