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:: Volume 7, Issue 4 (winter-2020 2019) ::
JAIR 2019, 7(4): 49-63 Back to browse issues page
Study of histopathological lesions of brain and intestines of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) during exposure to iron and zinc oxide nanoparticles
Abstract:   (3394 Views)

despite of increase in use of metal nanoparticles and their applications in various industries, few studies has been done in vivo on the  side effects of this materials, so  this research had been done with purpose of effects of nanoparticles of iron and zinc oxide on histopathological changes in brain and intestinal tissues in common carp. For this purpose, first 420 common carp (with an average initial weight 45±3.2 g) was prepared, then fish were adapted with laboratory conditions for a week and were disinfected. Samples were randomly divided to 7 groups. First group was control treatment and others received 10, 50 and 100 micrograms of iron and zinc nanoparticles per gram of food for 60 days. Intestine histopathological studies shows with progress of time and increase concentration, iron and zinc oxide nanoparticles cause more muscle layers in treated groups in comparison to control group.  Also in brain tissue they cause enlargement of the Neurons volume without any histological changes. From the results we can conclude that zinc and iron nanoparticles, even in small amounts can cause changes in the fish body tissues. 

Keywords: zinc and iron oxide nanoparticles, Brain tissue and intestines, common carp
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/09/7 | Accepted: 2017/02/22 | Published: 2020/05/17
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Study of histopathological lesions of brain and intestines of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) during exposure to iron and zinc oxide nanoparticles. JAIR 2019; 7 (4) :49-63
URL: http://jair.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-408-en.html

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نشریه علمی پژوهشی پژوهشهای ماهی شناسی کاربردی Journal of Applied Ichthyological Research
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