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:: Volume 10, Issue 3 (Autumn 2022) ::
JAIR 2022, 10(3): 11-20 Back to browse issues page
Simulation of growth performance Alburnoides eichwaldii (De Filippi, 1863) using DEB standard model in Zarrin-Gol and Kaboudwal Rivers (Golestan Province)
Faeghe Radaei , Rasul Ghorbani * , Hosein Rahmani , Sara Haghparast , Abdolazim Fazel , Fateme Abbasi , Saeid Esmaeilpour-poodeh
Abstract:   (1176 Views)
Dynamic energy Budget (DEB) theory describes the rate of energy absorb by living organisms and use it for body protection, growth, and reproduction. The present study was performed on Alburnoides eichwaldii in Zarrin-Gol and Kaboudwal rivers (Golestan province). The results showed that the DEB growth model in the two rivers and the allocation of energy fraction for body maintenance (κ) was more than 0.9, which indicates the high growth rate and short lifespan of this species. Maximum surface specific-area assimilation rate {pAm}  in Kabudwal river fish is about three times that of Zarringol River. Somatic maintenance based on body volume, pM  for Zarringol River is about 3 times and the maximum reserve density[Em]  is about 5 times less than Kabudwal. In Addition, maturity at birth EHb , In Zarringol river was less than Kabudwal and maturity at the time of reproduction EHp  in Zarringol river was more than Kabudwal but its size was bigger at maturity in Kabudwal river. On the other hand, the higher energy conductivity ϑ in A. eichwaldii in Zarringol River was due to its low energy density, and this fish in Zarringol River needs less energy to somatic maintenance. The DEB standard model is superior to other models in that it is able to provide quantitative and measurable descriptions for the aspects of individual and population metabolism of animals.
Article number: 2
Keywords: Metabolic Models, Dynamic Energy Budget, River Habitats, Covariation Method
Full-Text [PDF 1021 kb]   (333 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/04/24 | Accepted: 2022/07/17 | Published: 2023/02/14
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radaei F, ghorbani R, rahmani H, haghparast S, fazel A, abbasi F et al . Simulation of growth performance Alburnoides eichwaldii (De Filippi, 1863) using DEB standard model in Zarrin-Gol and Kaboudwal Rivers (Golestan Province). JAIR 2022; 10 (3) : 2
URL: http://jair.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-813-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 3 (Autumn 2022) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی پژوهشی پژوهشهای ماهی شناسی کاربردی Journal of Applied Ichthyological Research
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