More than 50 fish species exist in Guilan coast waters and 20 species of them are economic, but there is few data about their fingerlings. This study has been done in Talesh, Anzali, Kiashahr and Chaboksar shores and fish seasonally caught by beach seine with 8 mm mesh size from winter to autumn 2021, and the main purpose was determining fish abundance in Guilan province coasts, too. Results showed 32 fish species belong to 13 families in studied are and Leuciscidae family was the most diversified with 8 species. The study of fish abundance showed dominancy of Chelon saliens, Alburnus chalcoidesand Atherina caspia with 42.5%, 18.1% and 11.6% in Talesh shore, A. chalcoides,C. saliens, and A. caspia with 25.1%, 22.1% and 20.8% in Anzali shore, C. saliens, Rutilus frisii and A. chalcoideswith 31.8%, 17.4% and 14.8% in Kiashahr shore and C. saliens, A. chalcoides,Neogobius pallasi and chelonauratus with 29.9%, 21.5%, 14.2% and 10.5% in Kiashahr shore, of total count (number), respectively and they were predominant. In general, were abundant fish, the fingerlings to non-adults of sharp-nosed grey mullet (Ch. saliens) and Shemaya (A. chalcoides) in all stations, Caspian silverside (A. caspia) in 2 stations and fingerlings of Golden grey mullet (Ch. auratus) and Kutum (R. frisii), and fingerlings to adults of Caspian sand goby (N. pallasi) in one station, that show a more adaptation of these species to environmental conditions in 4 studied stations. The continuous monitoring of density of small size individual of fish species in southern coasts of Caspian Sea is essential for conservation of their populations.
Abbasi Ranjbar K, Moradi M, Bagheri S, Zahmatkesh Y, Sarpanah A, Vesaghi M J, et al . Abundance of fishes caught by beach seine 6 mm in the Coasts of Talesh, Anzali, Kiashahr and Chaboksar (Guilan Province). JAIR 2023; 11 (2) : 1 URL: