The lakes behind the dam considered as semi-natural resources and have a special role in aquaculture. In order to achieve management goals, it is necessary to know the pattern of changes in biotic and abiotic parameters in the lake behind the dam. For this purpose, in order to determine water quality using water quality indicators (WQI) 12 physicochemical properties (water temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, acidity, electrical conductivity, suspended solids, total hardness, total alkalinity, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate and phosphorus Total) was evaluated in 2018 on a monthly basis for one year at 7 stations of Golestan dam in Gonbad city. Although temporal and spatial changes observed in some measured factors; According to the WQI index in Golestan Dam, it was relatively average to good in different months. Therefore, it evaluated as favorable for the breeding of tropical and subtropical fish.
mansouri B, Fazel A, POURSOFI T, gharanjik B M, abbasi F. Investigating the quality of water behind the Golestan dam for aquaculture activities using the CCMEWQI index. JAIR 2022; 10 (4) : 3 URL: