More than 70 millions of Kutum (Rutilus frisii) fingerlings are released in the rivers of Guilan province annually for restoring, but there is few data about biological chracteristics about the fish during staying in the rivers downstream, thus this study has been done on abundance, growth, condition factor and diet of released fingerlings of kutum fish (Rutilus frisii) in Khoshkrud River downstream, and for this propose, 3 stations selected in the river downstream and sampling has been done using electroshocker monthly from Oct. 2022 until March 2023. Results showed Alburnoides samii, Capoeta razii, Rutilus frisii, Ponticola gorlap and Cobitis with 249.2, 108.7, 85.2, 32.2 and 31.4 individuals in 100 m2 catch effort had the most abundant. The fingerlings of kutum fish present in all months in the river downstream and its density varied 20.0 to 212.5 individuals per 100 m2. Studied fingerlings (n=119) had a weight of 2.10-15.10 (5.77±2.54g, average±s.d), total length of 6.62-12.20 (8.61±1.13cm) and condition factor 0.71-0.97 (0.86±0.05) and there was significant statistical difference only in condition factor between autumn and winter. The length-weight parameters was calculated for b-value 3.09 and correlation coefficient (r2) 0.98 and indicated isometric growth patterns. It was determined vacuity index 40.9% and 59.6%, the mean relative length of intestine 0.78±0.08 and 0.75±0.08 and the mean fullness intensity 76.1±97.1 and 71.3±118 in kutum fingerlings in autumn and winter seasons, respectively. There was 6 macro-invertebrates and 14 genera of algae in gut of kutum fingerlings and in the fish intestine were abundant Chironomidae from benthos and genera Synedra, Navicula, Diatomaand Melosira from algae cells in both seasons. In general, fullness intensity, condition factor and water temperature were no suitable for staying fish fingerlings in the stuied duration, but was not distinguished the reason of settle of fish in rivers and no emigration to sea water.
Sarpanah A, Abbasi Ranjbar K, Moradi M, Zahmatkesh Y, Askarinejad H, Khatib S, et al . Study of some biological aspects of released fingerlings of kutum fish (Rutilus frisii (Nordmann, 1840)) in Khoshk-Rud River (Guilan Province). JAIR 2023; 11 (1) : 1 URL: