The present study was performed to measure heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu) in the muscle, liver, gonad, intestine and digestive parasites of Pike (Esoxlucius) in Anzali wetland. For this purpose, 90 fish Pike were sampled from Anzali wetland during 2020 and in the reproductive season (winter). During the experiment, total length, fork length, standard length and total weight were measured. The age and sex of the fish were also determined. After emptying the viscera, muscle tissue, gonads, intestines, liver, and parasites were isolated. Then, chemical digestion and metal analysis were performed. The results showed that liver (especially copper: 220.270 mg / kg and zinc: 99.199 mg / kg) and intestine (especially copper: 650.1 mg / kg and zinc: 605,014 mg / kg) had the highest levels of metals. It was heavy in duck fish (P<0.05). The study showed that there was no significant difference between males and females in most cases (P>0.05). Also, middle-aged fish had higher amounts of heavy metals (P<0.05). However, this was not accurate and in many cases the same age did not have a significant effect (P>0.05). In addition, high amounts of heavy metal were observed in fish parasites (P<0.05). Parasites appear to act as absorbers of heavy metals or transport them from the outside environment to the fish body. In terms of heavy metals, the amount of lead (average of total organs: 0.005 mg / kg) and cadmium (average of total organs: 0.0105 mg / kg) was lower than the other two heavy metals. Copper, lead, and cadmium levels were in most cases below the WHO standards. Since the amount of heavy metals in the muscle and even the gills of duckfish (in terms of food) is much less than the allowable limit, it can be said that there is no problem in terms of human consumption and to some extent the presence of these elements in The fish ignored. But oral consumption of the liver and intestines has the highest risk among the organs. In addition, the oral consumption of two different species of duck fish does not differ in the rate of absorption of heavy metals and its effect on humans.
Sadrinezhad A, Golestan L, Khara H, Ghorbani Hasansaraei A, Ahmadnezhad M. Health assessment of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd and Cu) in muscle, gonads and probable digestive parasites of Pike. JAIR 2021; 9 (3) :41-50 URL: