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:: Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2014) ::
JAIR 2014, 2(3): 87-100 Back to browse issues page
Reproductive Biology of Stripped Piggy (Pomadasys stridens Forsskal, 1775) in Northern Part of Persian Gulf (Bushehr)
Sajjad Karimi * , Nasrollah Mahbobi Soofiani , Fatemeh Paykanheirati , Elham Katiraei
Abstract:   (8079 Views)

Stripped piggy (Pomadasys stridends) is widely distributed in coastal waters of Persian Gulf. However, the reproductive characteristics of this fish were under-researched. Specimens of Pomadasys stridens were collected from the local catches at Bushehr fishery harbor from May 2010 to April 2011, by regular monthly collections. A total of 540 specimens, including 155 males and 385 females were collected and transported to Bushehr fishery research center and then to Isfahan university of technology for analysis. The total length (in millimeter) as well as the total weight (in 0.1 grams) of the fish was carefully recorded. The total length of the mature fish ranged from 12.6 cm to 23 cm (females) and 11.7 cm to 22 cm (males) and their total weight ranged from 27.4 g to 144.8 g (females) and 21 to 124.9 (males). In both length and weight, females showed larger size than males. Age groups in both sexes were determined and ranged between 1 and 8 years. Monthly distribution of GSI for female and male P. stridens, showed that the GSI values have two peaks, the first one which was smaller occurred in December and the second one, the maximum, was in March. The minimum and the maximum of absolute fecundity were 28597 and 198672 per gram of body weight, respectively and the relative minimum and maximum fecundity was 288 and 1558 per gram of body weight, respectively. The mean of the sex ratio was 1: 3.3 (M/F). According to the GSI, ova diameter and histological observations, spawning period was determined from December to March.Stripped piggy (Pomadasys stridends) is widely distributed in coastal waters of Persian Gulf. However, the reproductive characteristics of this fish were under-researched. Specimens of Pomadasys stridens were collected from the local catches at Bushehr fishery harbor from May 2010 to April 2011, by regular monthly collections. A total of 540 specimens, including 155 males and 385 females were collected and transported to Bushehr fishery research center and then to Isfahan university of technology for analysis. The total length (in millimeter) as well as the total weight (in 0.1 grams) of the fish was carefully recorded. The total length of the mature fish ranged from 12.6 cm to 23 cm (females) and 11.7 cm to 22 cm (males) and their total weight ranged from 27.4 g to 144.8 g (females) and 21 to 124.9 (males). In both length and weight, females showed larger size than males. Age groups in both sexes were determined and ranged between 1 and 8 years. Monthly distribution of GSI for female and male P. stridens, showed that the GSI values have two peaks, the first one which was smaller occurred in December and the second one, the maximum, was in March. The minimum and the maximum of absolute fecundity were 28597 and 198672 per gram of body weight, respectively and the relative minimum and maximum fecundity was 288 and 1558 per gram of body weight, respectively. The mean of the sex ratio was 1: 3.3 (M/F). According to the GSI, ova diameter and histological observations, spawning period was determined from December to March.

Keywords: Reproduction, Stripped piggy (Pomadasys stridens), group synchronous, Persian Gulf, Bushehr province.
Full-Text [PDF 714 kb]   (1782 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/10/19 | Accepted: 2015/10/19 | Published: 2015/10/19
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karimi S, Mahbobi Soofiani N, Paykanheirati F, Katiraei E. Reproductive Biology of Stripped Piggy (Pomadasys stridens Forsskal, 1775) in Northern Part of Persian Gulf (Bushehr). JAIR 2014; 2 (3) :87-100
URL: http://jair.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-250-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2014) Back to browse issues page
نشریه علمی پژوهشی پژوهشهای ماهی شناسی کاربردی Journal of Applied Ichthyological Research
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