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Showing 1 results for Shemaya Fish (alburnus Chalcoides)

Marjan Pouresmaeilian, Hossein Khara, Mohaddese Ahmadnezhad,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Shemaya (Alburnus chalcoides) is the most important bony fishes in the Caspian Sea that migrate to breed in Anzali wetland. The present study was conducted in order to study reproductive biology in male migrant Shemaya to Anzali wetland during spawning phase from March 2013 to Jun 2014. Microscopic images of histological gonad and rate of sex steroid hormone in 16 numbers of adult male fish were studied. Results showed that the testis of fish was lobular. The result of histological image inmale fish showed that gravid fish was in the beginning of active spawning phase, and the spermatogonia (SG) in addition with different stage of spermatogenesis (Sc, St, Sz) were poorly observable  in their tissue sample. This is while there was not observed primary stage of spermatogenesis (Sc1, Sc2) and spermatogonia in spawning fish andtheir lumen was full of spermatozoa that indicated the final stage of spawning. The result of sex steroid hormones showed that the rate of testosterone hormone in spawning fish was 12.13±0.68 ng/ml and in gravid fish its value was calculated as 8.77±0.55 ng/ml (P<0/05). The level of 17&beta-estradiol during spawning phase increased and its value in gravid fish and ripe fish were 2.27±0.44 and 2.87±0.33 ng/ml (P<0/05), respectively. The level of progesterone hormone was little both in ripe fish and gravid fish, but it increased a bit in spawning fish (P<0/05). According to the high value of testosterone during the spawning phase and the result of other investigations, probably the physiologic role of testosterone is more in spermiation than spermatozoa in male Shemaya and it can be a good indicator for active spermiation.

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نشریه علمی پژوهشی پژوهشهای ماهی شناسی کاربردی Journal of Applied Ichthyological Research
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