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Showing 3 results for Gonadosomatic
Saeid Yelghi, Zohreh Mazaheri Kohanestani, Seyed Ghobad Mokarami , Volume 1, Issue 4 (3-2014)
The total number of 460 specimens of Cyprinus carpio was collected from the product of fishery corporation companies located in Gorgan Rud estuary between December 1987 and June 1988. After doing the biometry processes, age of specimens was determined using scales and the fecundity of the fish is calculated by weighting and numerical methods. The mean length and weight of the fish were 466.7±79.92 mm, 1494.4±813.38 g and 430.04±85.26 mm, 1105.62±694.95 g for female and male ones, respectively. Also, the mean values of condition factor were 1.07±0.09 in females and 1.55±0.17 for males. In addition, the dominate age group was observed as 5+ (33.48% of total numbers) and 6+ (45.2% of total numbers) for females and males, respectively. Weight- length relationship showed a positive allometric growth (b=3.025) for females and a negative allometric growth (b=2.92) for males. The Von Bertalanffy growth equations were calculated as: Lt= 1054 (1-e-0.11(t+0.041)) and Lt = 901(1-e-0.12(t+0.402)) for females and males, respectively. Results also showed that growth performance index was equal to 5, mean gonadosomatic index in females was 16.98±2.46 and the maximum value was observed during the end of April to May and finally, average absolute fecundity for Cyprinus carpio was 185254±75778 eggs.
Hassan Taghavi, Maryam Mohammadpour, Mohammadrza Rahimibashar, Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2020)
In this study, hepatosomatic, gonadosomatic and condition of Alosa species were studied. A sampling were done from 5 stations (Rossdar, Clachay , Chaboksar, Chamkhala and Kiyoshahr) was arried out on the eastern coast of Gilan in 2016. A total of 693 sampling fish were collected. Samples were transferred to the laboratory in 10% formalin formaldehyde. Three species of Alosa namely Alosa.braschnikowi, A.caspia and A.Kessleri were identified, which were 354 samples (51.08%), 78 samples (25.3% 11%) and 261 individuals respectivetly (37.67%) were calculated.Fish were divide into 7 age classes (1 up to 7 years old), the highest percentage of A.braschnikowi population at age 3 (39.83%), A.caspia at age 4 (37.18%), and A.Kessleri species at age 4 (23 .40%). The highest mean (± standard error) in weight and length was observed in the A.braschnikowi species, which was 32.75 ± 05.027 grams and 38.39 ± 27.27 mm respectively. The lowest mean (± standard error) in weight and length was observed in A.caspia, which was 83.52 ± 53.13 and 11.32 ± 66.27 mm, respectively.In the three studied species of A.braschnikowi, A.caspia and A.Kessleri, the status index, gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic index (0.18 0.01, 0.12 ± 0.01 and 0.12, 0.01), (9.0 ± 0.04) 0.0 ± 0.06 and 0.77 ± 0/0) and (1.12 ± 0.0, 1.08 ± 0.04 and 1.2 ± 0.0), has no significant differences (p> 0.05). The sex ratio of the A.braschnikowi and A.Kessleri was 1: 1 (male: female), but in the A.caspia it was 1.33: 1.
Mrs. Marzieh Aghazadeh, Mr. Arsalan Bahalkeh, Mrs. Taeyebe Kanani, Mr. Behzad Gholjaei, Dr. Eisa Hajiradkouchak, Zahra Ghaderi Arkavini, Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2023)
In this study, some biological characteristics including sex ratio, gonadosomatic index, absolute and relative fecundity and egg diameter of H. leucisculus population in Ala-gol Wetland of Golestan province were investigated. Sampling was done in the summer of 1400 and 148 samples were caught with a net. The sex ratio of caught fish was equal to 1:1. The mean gonadosomatic index (GSI) for females was 10.72 ± 3.09 and for males it was 1.78 ± 0.70. The maximum total length and weight of females were 120 mm and 13.87 grams, respectively, and 127 mm and 13.48 grams for males. The minimum, maximum and average of absolute aggregation were calculated as 1334, 18340 and 7239.66, respectively, and for relative aggregation (eggs per kilogram of body weight) as 202, 1526 and 819.99, respectively. The average diameter of the eggs was 0.57 mm and varied from 0.46 to 0.66.