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Showing 1 results for Boushehr Province
Sajjad Karimi, Elham Katiraei, Nasrollahmahboobi Soofiani, Fatemeh Paykanheirati, Volume 3, Issue 2 (9-2015)
In this study, age and growth of the Stripped Piggy, Pomadasys stridens (Forsskal), in the Persian Gulf (Bushehr coasts) were investigated. A total of 540 samples were obtained from June 2010 to May 2011. Total length of the female fish ranged from 12.6 to 23 cm and the male ones from 11.7 to 22 cm. Also, the weight of the female fishes was ranged from 27.4 to 144.8 gr and in the male fishes from 21 to 124.9 gr. Age groups in both sexes in P. stridens were estimated to be between 1+ to 8+ years. The weight-length relationships was described as W= 0.0694 L2.4398 (r2=0.86, n=385)for females, W=0.0477 L2.5701 (r2=0.88, n=155) for males and W=0.0617 L2.4804 (r2=0.89) for the total population. According to the obtained values of b, both weight-length relationships for sexes showed a negative allometric growth. Also, parameter values of the Von Bertalanffy growth function were, K=0.14, L∞=24.54cm (TL), t0=-4.41 years for females and K=0.18, L∞=21.91cm (TL), t0=-3.68 for males. The growth performance index (∮) was estimated 4.45 for female and 4.43 for male indicated that the growth rate for female fishes is faster than male fishes.