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Showing 4 results for hatami

Mr Pedram Hatami, Dr Abolfazl Naji, Dr Mohsen Safaei,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Trace metals are one of the most common pollutants in the aquatic environment which are accumulated in the bodies of aquatic organisms such as fish and considered as a potential risk for organism’s health, especially for human. This study was carried out to assess the concentration of trace metals (Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni) in the edible tissues of Lizard fish (S.tumbil) and Threadfin bream (N. japonicus) from the Oman Sea, and human health risk assessment via the consumption of these fishes, during summer 2016. The concentrations of trace metals were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The average concentration of cadmium, copper and zinc in the Lizard fish muscle were 0.13±0.03, 0.83±0.08, and 11.33±3.64 μg/g, respectively. The average concentration of copper and zinc in Threadfin bream muscle were 0.61±0.07, and 10/09±1/4 μg/g, respectively. Cadmium concentrations in Threadfin bream and nickel concentrations in both fishes were less than detection limit (dry weight). No significant difference was observed between Cu and Zn concentration in muscle tissue of both species. Metal concentrations in analyzed samples were lower than international standards Food and Agriculture Organization of the World (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Association of Australia's National Health and Medical Research (NHMRC), the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and food of England (UKMAFF) values. The daily intake of heavy metals (EDI) for children and adult consumers were lower than the reference dose of the EPA and tolerable intake (TI) of the World Health Organization and FAO (FAO/WHO). In the assessment of health risk, the risk potential (THQ) and Hazard index (HI) for both groups were less than 1 for consumption of one, three and seven days per week. Thus, there was not the risk for Non-cancerous diseases and adverse effects on consumer's health in both species. 

Somaye Khataminejad, Ali Bani, Keyvan Abbasi,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (4-2018)

The present study was conducted on the comparison of morphometric and meristic factors among Alosa caspia (Eichwald, 1838) populations in the southern Caspian Sea basin. A total of 285 Alosa caspia specimens were caught from three localities, from west to the east of Caspian Sea including Guilan (Bandar Anzali), Mazandaran (Sari) and Golestan (Miankale) provinces. Thirty morphometric and ten meristic traits were examined. The results of principal components analysis, the discriminant factor analysis and canonical variates analysis on the counting traits indicate the little difference of specimens among populations. Therefore, it can be stated that differences in environmental and nutritional conditions caused relatively poor morphological differences among the populations studied. However, these results need to be verified by further studies on genetic, physiological and osteological characteristics in the populations.

Sepide Ghani, Rouhollah Sheikh Veisi, Paria Houshmand, Wahid Zamani, Mohsen Barkhordar, Esmaeil Zare, Pedram Hatami, Alireza Kashiri, Yalda Alizadeh, Sara Vali, Faeze Sadati, Monire Sahli,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)

The presence of nanoparticles affects the physiological condition of fish and reduces the immune function of fish, so the use of immune stimulants such as molasses is very important. 250 juveniles of common carp for 42 days in four categories: ration without molasses (treatment 1), ration containing 0.5% molasses (treatment 2), ration containing 1% molasses (treatment 3) and ration containing 2% molasses (Treatment 4) were divided. Then, 50% of the lethal concentration of nano-iron was added to each group for fourteen days. Histological studies of fish exposed to molasses and iron nanoparticles showed structural abnormalities in liver tissue. So that these changes were very different compared to the tissues of the control group. The final conclusion of the present study showed that nano-iron treatment led to tissue damage in carp liver; Although histopathological complication was also observed in the combination of nano-iron and molasses treatments, but the severity of injuries decreased with increasing molasses concentration. The negative effect of iron nanoparticles on normal carp liver tissue by molasses seems to be minimized.
Pedram Hatami, S Yusef Peyghambari, Ali Sadough Niri, Parviz Zare,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)

The purpose of this research was to investigate the catch composition and length frequency of S. putnamae using Four meshe sizes of 64, 83, 95 and 110 mm in gillnet in the February (winter) and June (Summer) 2022, in the coastal waters of Sistan and Baluchistan province. In the Sampling period, 22 species were caught, in the summer season, the highest catch rate was 33.04% for the S. putnamae and P. pelagicus was the least caught with 0.37% , and in the winter season, S. putnamae was the most caught with 35.68% and T. croaker the lowest catch rate of 0.31%. Also, The rate of by-catch was 17.10%, A. thalassinus the highest percentage of by-catch. The highest length frequency with 52.8% for 83 mm mesh size in the summer and the highest length with 57.2% for 95 mm mesh size obtained in winter. the comparison of the length frequency of S. putnamae caught by different mesh sizes in summer and winter season and the average length of S. putnamae in the different mesh sizes showed that there is a significant difference between them. Also, the comparison between the mesh sizes showed that the 83 mm mesh size in summer and the 95 mm mesh size in winter had a significant difference with the size of other and similar mesh size in other seasons. The results showed that more fish were Snagged in smaller mesh size and more fish were Gilled in larger mesh size.

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نشریه علمی پژوهشی پژوهشهای ماهی شناسی کاربردی Journal of Applied Ichthyological Research
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