Artificial reefs are used for increasing of aquatic biodiversity and stock rehabilitation in the word. Fish Biodiversity was evaluated in artificial reefs that is located in Bandar –E-Salakh ((Qeshm island, concrete pipe (St1)), Bandar-E-Bostaneh ((Bandar-E- Lengeh) concrete pipe, St2) and St3 (Bandar-E-Bostaneh concrete pipe, pyramidal and Reef ball) in 20 meters. For this purpose, these selected underwater visual census method and randomized complete block design from 21Mar. 2017 to 20Mar.2018 seasonally. Measuring of biodiversity indices were obtained maximum of shanon- wiener (2.5), simpson (0.88), and margalf (8.22) indices in A.Rp,p,b, furthermore were concluded the highest values of shanon- wiener (3.17), and margalf's richness (5.02) indices related to Heniochus acuminatus and Pomacanthus maculosus respectively . A normal log model is concluded from SHE analysis in between stations, also is resulted MacArthur’s broken stick model in species level, that is shown more balanced distribution of resources among species of the community. In this study, was determined the role of artificial reefs in increasing of fish biodiversity and was found complexity of the physical structure for more efficiency in St3.
Behzadi S, Darvishi M, Salarpouri A, Akbarzadeh G, Vahab Nezhad A, Seid Morady S et al . Assessment of fish biodiversity in artificial reefs of the Persian Gulf ( Hormozgan province ,Salakh and Bostaneh ports). JAIR 2019; 7 (3) :45-58 URL: